Basic Life Rules Applied to the Time of Coronavirus

In March, it began to become clear that the novel coronavirus was going to hit our shores. It was going to cause major disruption. I felt pretty overwhelmed as I contemplated the changes that might take place. Eventually, I started applying the basic rules of life that I have applied to other difficulties. It made a difference. Over time, I was able to adjust and keep going with less anxiety. But people, including me, continue to struggle. So, I find myself needing to go back to my basic life rules in order to keep moving forward in joy and service.

Here are nine rules that I have applied to this time to help me live well. I continue to need them, and so I thought it would be useful for me, and hopefully to others, to reproduce what I wrote back in March.

  1. Don’t take responsibility for things you can’t change. You can’t solve every problem in the world. Let go of as much as you can.
  2. Do take responsibility in your area of responsibility. What are the things that am I most directly responsible for such as loving my wife, caring for my children, being a good neighbor, and being a good church member? Focus on these things.
  3. Take the easy steps to reduce threats. We can’t eliminate threats entirely, but there are often some easy steps that can be taken to reduce their likelihood.
  4. Don’t get caught up in the news. Look at the headlines of the best sources once a day to see what you need to see, but don’t get caught up in the news cycle. It’s not really that helpful for knowing what’s going on.
  5. Focus on living. You don’t have to wait until the end of coronavirus to live. If you have to go to work for a living, then work. Read books. Worship God. Build relationships. Write friends. Call friends. Enjoy pleasures. Develop skills. We can do all these things right now, and it will make a big difference.
  6. Embrace the suffering and challenges as opportunities to grow in character. It’s easy to look at challenges as mere signs that life is against us. However, every challenge is an opportunity to see things in new ways and grow in what matters most, our character.
  7. Focus on today. Live today. Don’t take on the future. Don’t regret the past. You have today. Make it count. Lay down on your pillow having really lived and ready to enter heaven.
  8. Meditate on the promises of the Gospel. See God’s care for you, acceptance of you, desire to use you, and provision for you. Rejoice in the fact that you can know and serve Him. Begin each day with the glorious Gospel promises.
  9. As often as you feel anxiety, pray! The peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

You may have different rules or principles that have helped you get through difficult things. They are a resource for you. Remember them. Share them. Think on them. We don’t have to be helpless victims here. We can live. We can move forward. We have resources to live our lives well.


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